Studies on the synchronic variation of Spanish take as a reference the Macrocorpus sociolingüístico del español hablado en Castellón y sus comarcas (MCSCS). Compiled by the Sociolinguistics Laboratory of the Universitat Jaume I between 1998 and 2005, it comprises a set of 210 semi-directed conversations, with an average duration of approximately 45-50 minutes each. In its development, the anthropological method of life stories was combined with other thematic modules to obtain expository and argumentative texts. The sample members are stratified initially by quotas of gender, age and educational level, as well as by other social factors at a post-stratification stage, such as place of residence, professional status and dominant language. The set exceeds 1.3 million words and gives voice to 192 individuals from Castellón de la Plana and its metropolitan area. A selection of 75 of these speakers, stratified by identical quotas of gender, age and educational level, was published in 2009.
Blas Arroyo, J. L. (coord.) (2009). Corpus sociolingüístico de Castellón de la Plana y su área metropolitana. Universitat Jaume I.
NB. Researchers interested in receiving a copy of this corpus can request it at the following email address: