Title: Structural, social and idiolectal dimensions of language change: new contributions from Spanish historical sociolinguistics.
Funding body: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ref. FFI2017-86194-P) and Universitat Jaume I (Ref. UJI-B2017-01)
Duration: 1-1-2018 until: 31-12-2021
Leading researcher: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Amount financed: 37,820 euros
Title: Variation and change through texts of communicative immediacy: a historical sociolinguistics project (Reference FFI2010-15280)
Funding body: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and Universitat Jaume I
Duration: 1-1-2014 until: 30-06-2017
Leading researcher: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Amount financed: 44,392 euros
Title: In the Footsteps of Variation in Spanish: Conditioning Factors of Variation and Linguistic Change over Time (Reference FFI2010-15280)
Funding body: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Duration: 1-1-2011 until: 31-12-2013
Leading researcher: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Amount financed: 18,500 euros
Title: Language variation in institutional and non-institutional contexts (Reference: PR2010-0412)
Funding body: Ministry of Education and Science
Duration: 1-2-2010 until: 30-09-2011
Leading researcher: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Amount financed: 12,500 euros
Title: Project to compile and edit the sociolinguistic macro-corpus of the Spanish spoken in Castellón (MCSCS) (Reference CTESPP/2002/87).
Funding body: Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Government)
Duration: 1-9-2002 until: 31-12-2004
Leading researcher: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Amount financed: 5,300 euros
Title: Lexical availability of pre-university youths in Castellón (Reference P1B96-03).
Funding body: Bancaixa-UJI Foundation
Duration: 1-1-1998 to: 31-12-1998
Leading researcher: José Luis Blas Arroyo
Amount financed: 600,000 pts.